Because of the generosity from donors across the country, we are excited to share your Oakwood Alumni Association and it’s area chapters combined gave over $97,000 to more than 40 graduating seniors during the 2017 Graduation Weekend. That is the highest funding for our Graduating Senior Scholarships in history!!
We encourage current students to reach out to your local OUAA chapter Presidents and RVP’s for more scholarship opportunities.
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please email the OUAA Scholarship Committee Chair Jayson Brown at
Now Accepting 2019 Applications
If you are a graduating senior and need funds to graduate, the Oakwood Alumni Association may be able to help. First determine if you meet all the scholarship’s criteria, if so then apply.
Criteria and Application:
– Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA or higher
– Must be Senior status at the time of application.
– Must have registered for second semester.
– Must submit by uploading a 200-word essay on why you should be awarded this scholarship by the Oakwood Alumni Association (typed and double spaced).
– Submit the OUAA Online Scholarship Application to the Scholarship Committee for review.
– The online application with essay must be completed by the deadline date.
– Decision of the OUAA Scholarship Committee is final.
– If awarded a scholarship, the applicant will be notified via email from the Scholarship Committee and may be requested to submit an acknowledgment of being selected and also a picture in pdf, tiff, or jpeg format (Picture is optional but preferred)
– Click on OUAA Online Scholarship Application and begin the process.
– IMPORTANT: Submit only one application. Submitting multiple online applications will disqualify you from receiving this scholarship.
Thank you for all the donors who are HELPING us to GIVE more. Because of the steady monthly funds generated from OUAA’s new Forever 10 initiative we are excited to announce giving two $500 scholarships called the Forever 10 New Student Scholarship.
Criteria and Application:
– During the fall semester, OUAA New Student Orientation Frozen Yogurt Event new student enrolling at Oakwood must submit the OUAA Online Scholarship Application
– Must write a brief paragraph in the “notes” section of the application of “Why they chose Oakwood and why they think the Forever 10 initiatives are important for the future of Oakwood.” The Best two paragraphs written will be awarded the scholarship.
– MUST SUBMIT BY 3:30 pm the day of the Student Orientation to be eligible. Congrats to the 2017 scholarship winners: Alexandra Felder & Jeremy Spivey. See their Pictures
On December 9, 2016, the Oakwood community lost a giant in Edward Woods, Jr who we affectionally called “Woody”. Because of his outstanding work and service to continue the powerful “Oakwood Story” as a former Oakwood Alumni Association President from 1997 to 2006, the Oakwood University Alumni Association has honored him by establishing a new annual scholarship named the Edward Woods, Jr. Scholarship granted to those students who have achieved academically and are seeking a career in education.
Criteria and Application:
– Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA or higher.
– Must be seeking a career in Education.
– Must have registered for fall semester.
– Must submit (upload) a 200-word essay on why you should be awarded this scholarship (typed and double spaced).
– Submit the OUAA Online Application to the Scholarship Committee for review.
– If awarded a scholarship, the applicant will be notified via email from the Scholarship Committee and may request you to submit an acknowledgment of being selected and also a picture in pdf, tiff, or jpeg format (Picture is optional but preferred)
– Click on OUAA Online Scholarship Application and begin the process
Help us Give more
To further “Woody’s” legacy simply go to Donate Now and select the “Edward Woods, Jr. Scholarship”. Give a gift to help our students make it through Oakwood financially and do it TODAY!
THE LESLIE PHIPPS CARING SPIRIT SCHOLARSHIP! This is a scholarship given in the fall semester to recommended students who have shown leadership with a caring spirit.
Criteria and Application:
– Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA or higher.
– Must have a recommendation (uploaded) from an individual who has observed your leadership such as your Pastor, employer, professor, or a career mentor.
– Must be seeking a career in a Business related field.
– Must have registered for fall semester.
– Must submit (upload) a 200-word essay on why you should be awarded this scholarship (typed and double spaced).
– Submit the OUAA Online Application to the Scholarship Committee for review.
- Click on OUAA Online Scholarship Application and begin the process
To donate to Leslie’s legacy simply go to Donate Now and select “THE LESLIE PHIPPS Caring Spirit Scholarship” and help us give more.
STUDENTS FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! The Oakwood University Alumni Association (OUAA) of Southern California Chapter invited all students who live in Southern California and that enrolled at OU for fall semester 2016, to complete an application by August 15th to receive THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA $700 FRESH START SCHOLARSHIP. We are happy to announce the scholarship recipients were:
Jacquelyn Jones – Senior $700
Arianna Williams – Junior $700
Elijah Hill – Sophomore $700
Mackenzie Johnson – Freshman $700
OUAA of Southern California Chapter provided a $700 scholarship from each classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior) totaling $2,800. Make sure you apply fall of next year on the OUAA of Southern California Chapter’s website at If you know a student who should apply, please forward this information to them.
“This morning when I opened up that email, I literally heard God whisper “I see you, I notice you, I care, and I love you, ” and I cried. I cried because I doubted that I would actually receive this scholarship let alone in the amount of $1,000. I cried because although I have never met you or anyone on your committee, someone read my application essay and they notice me. They didn’t see a scarred, hurt, broken, African American 21 year old, but they see something in me that I probably don’t see in myself. Thanks for investing in me by giving me a chance at a better future.”
“My heart stopped with anticipation when I received the notification and when I opened it and read it I was thinking
one thing. How great God is. My fingers couldn’t type the numbers of my parent’s phone number fast enough as I rushed to call them and tell them the great news. They were overjoyed and I could hear in my Dads voice as if a burden was taken off his shoulders. This mere thanks you letter is all I can say at this moment, but I will never forget this wonderful blessing and I will make it my duty to give back to students at this great university when I too become part of the OUAA.“
“Being chosen to receive this scholarship helps out in a huge way and I appreciate it and want to say thank you to the fullest. I can guarantee that your funds, helping me to finish school and come closer to my career path, will not be taken for granted or even put to waste. It also adds to my story of my Oakwood experience knowing that the Oakwood Alumni Association Scholarship Committee had a part in helping me to receive my diploma.”
“Thank you for your generous contribution and investment in my future.“
“I am sincerely appreciative for receiving this scholarship, I really hope you understand how this will impact my life. This one will enable me to continue my schooling, also making my family proud. I will not forget those who have given me this chance, and when the time comes I will be the one given out scholarships, to help those who faced the same predicament as me.”
“Thank you for your generous scholarship award. This scholarship will help to defray my balance and bring me one step closer to graduation. I am eagerly looking forward to marching on May 9th and beginning my medical school training this fall.“